Saturday, October 8, 2011

Changes are Constant In Life

Change, A  word which does not indicates a constant variable of a thing but in the matter of our life it says that it is the only word which is constant.
But why is it so?
coz life is just like a drama played to all of us, It gives us mostly Bad But also sometimes Good experiences
being human psychology we always ignore the good changes and take the Bad ones into  consideration ...

The secret of life  I think that changes from time to. Life is ever changing and our perspective and desires and approach must change with it. So I’d say all of the other answers are true in their way in their time. The saying, “you never stop learning” is definitely true. But, it is only useful if you are ready to personally commit on learning new things. Knowing; that there are lots of changes in the last three decades, rather than the past 2000 years.
We live in the fast moving time. As we know the world and civilization is fast changing. Now is the time for technology, information and rapid change. You must prepare for the adventures of your lifetime. Let go of your old rules and embrace change. What you need in this ever changing world is; have a very good working knowledge and a little bit innovative as well. Try a diverse approach if the previous one is no longer produces results. Open and accepts to change.
If you fail today, doesn’t mean that same thing happen, if you just try to say never and seek the cause of your failure. Live your life with no regret but always learn from the past so that in the future even if the world keep changing you have that certain idea on that such thing. Open your eyes and minds to the changes in this world so that you will not be left as the time passes by.
Even if you did not change the world, you can transform the way you do things and the mode you react to situations. The first significant step is to have a personal commitment to keep an open mind and learn new things. Decide not to become a victim of change instead become part of that changes.

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